Summer School in Classical Languages
16 June – 4 July 2025

"Otium sine litteris mors est et hominis vivi sepultura" («leisure without letters is a living death unto man»): so wrote Lucius Annaeus Seneca, philosopher, playwright and tutor to the emperor Nero. And this is also the aim of our Summer School: combining summer holidays in an exciting place with the study of classical languages.
The Bologna University Summer School in Classical Languages, organised by the Department of Classics and Italian Studies, offers intensive courses in Greek and Latin with the aim of enabling students to read some of the fundamental texts of our cultural tradition.
The courses will take place in Bologna (see below) from Monday 16 June to Friday 4 July 2025 and are open to students (undergraduate and post-graduate) and non-students alike: no specific qualification is required for course admission. Students must be aged 18 or over, or, alternatively, be aged 17 or over and enrolled to the last year of a high school (and have a basic knowledge of the morphology and syntax of their mother tongue).

The school offers Intensive Classes in Greek and Latin (50 hours each). The following courses are available:
- Beginners Latin
- Intermediate Latin
- Beginners Greek
A single course lasts for 3 weeks; students can choose to attend a double course (Greek + Latin), attending classes during both mornings and afternoons.
Classes will be held from Monday to Friday in person, at the Department of Classics and Italian Studies (Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica) of the University of Bologna (via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna), with the assistance of a resident tutor.
All teaching and activities are in English.

Tuition Fees
Standard fees:
- Single course (Greek or Latin): € 900.
- Double course (Greek and Latin): € 1450.
Discounted fees are reserved to Bologna University students, ERASMUS students (in Bologna for the year), former ERASMUS students (to Bologna), and former Summer School in Classical Languages students:
- Single course (Greek or Latin): € 450.
- Double course (Greek and Latin): € 725.
Fees comprise: registration to the course, teaching material and cultural activities.
The registration is complete only after full payment of tuition fees.
In the case of non-activation of the courses, the Department will reimburse the instalment.
Certification and credits
A diploma of successful completion of the course(s) will be issued by the Department to all participants who pass the final test.
In order to obtain the course certificate, the attendance of at least 70% of the course hours is required.
Please note: the diploma does not issue any ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
How to apply
Please download the application form and the placement test (below).
To register, please send both to:
Since 2008 we have had students (aged 18 to 75) coming from these countries and cities!
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