Cross-fertilisations in life, literature, cinema, and the media

Stories of donors, parents, and children in Italy, France, and the UK

  • Data: 17 giugno 2022 dalle 11:00 alle 16:30

  • Luogo: Aula Guglielmi, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica via Zamboni 32 -Bologna | Online

Stories of donor conceptions have become widespread in cinema, literature, and the media: they tell us about sperm or egg donors, parents seeking donors, donor-conceived children, and the industry of insemination through both its regulated and unregulated market. While narratives of giving birth, being a parent, or raising a child can strike a chord with readers or listeners across the whole world, stories of donor conceptions also reflect geographical differences, as legislation varies greatly across different countries, creating different conditions to access sperm or egg donations and go through the process of having a baby through non-natural insemination.

This project looks at films, documentaries, podcasts, social media posts, blogs, newspaper articles, and printed literature about donor conceptions in Italy, France, and the UK. It consists of three workshops (one in each country) to start mapping this growing production of stories and initiate a discussion between academic and non-academic participants with the aim to find common grounds and questions and to reflect on the power of stories across different sectors.


Core team:

Beatrice Sica (University College London)

Silvia Contarini (Paris-Nanterre)

Ramona Onnis (Paris-Nanterre)

Manuela Spinelli (Rennes 2)

Lara Michelacci (Bologna)


Mattina ore 11-13


Elena Tebano - giornalista Corriere della Sera  

Maddalena Vianello – Autrice del volume In fondo al desiderio. Dieci storie di procreazione assistita, Fandango Libri 2021( inQuiete, Festival di scrittrici a Roma - Blog Femministerie)

Coordinano: Lara Michelacci (Università di Bologna) e Beatrice Sica (University College London)

Partecipano: Silvia Contarini (Université Paris Nanterre), Ramona Onnis (université Paris Nanterre), Manuela Spinelli (Université Rennes 2)


Per collegarsi all’evento:


Pausa Pranzo


Pomeriggio ore 15-16.30

Interviene: Alessandra Sarchi, autrice del romanzo Il dono di Antonia, Einaudi, 2020

Coordinano: Lara Michelacci (Università di Bologna) e Beatrice Sica (University College London)

Partecipano: Silvia Contarini (Université Paris Nanterre), Ramona Onnis (Université Paris Nanterre), Manuela Spinelli (Université Rennes 2)


Per collegarsi all’evento:


In collaborazione con ILIO (Italian Literature International Observatory) e Rita Monticelli, coordinatrice master Gemma (Master´s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies).