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Acquistati dalla Biblioteca Raimondi handbook e companion dell'editore Cambridge in formato elettronico

Pubblicato: 08 ottobre 2021 | Biblioteca

Acquistati a cura della Biblioteca Umanistica Raimondi, sono da oggi accessibili in formato elettronico i seguenti Handbooks e Companions dell'editore Cambridge.

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titolo Collana
Ayres-Bennett/Bellamy The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Haugh/Kádár/Terkourafi The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Nassaji/Kartchava The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
De Fina/Georgakopoulou The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Putnam/Page The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Rings/Rasinger The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Schreier/Hundt/Schneider The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Schwieter/Benati The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Wolff The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Thompson et al The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
De Houwer/Ortega The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Geeslin The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Hasegawa The Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Dancygier The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Hickey The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Ledgeway/Roberts The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Aikhenvald/Dixon The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Hippisley/Stump The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Aloni/Dekker The Cambridge Handbook of Formal Semantics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Lacy The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Kytö/Pahta The Cambridge Handbook of English Historical Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Cook/Wei The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Multi-Competence Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Bavin/Naigles The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language 2nd Edition Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Schwieter The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Granger/Gilquin/Meunier The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Biber/Reppen The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Cummings The Cambridge Handbook of Communication Disorders Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Stockwell/Whiteley The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Enfield/Kockelman/Sidnell The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
den Dikken The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Herschensohn/Young-Scholten The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Boeckx/Grohmann The Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Mesthrie The Cambridge Handbook of Sociolinguistics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Bullock/Toribio The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Code-switching Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Bavin The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Allan/Jaszczolt The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Spolsky The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
Austin/Sallabank The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics

Zagona The Syntax of Spanish Cambridge Syntax Guides
Haider The Syntax of German Cambridge Syntax Guides
Huang/Li/Li The Syntax of Chinese Cambridge Syntax Guides
Bailyn The Syntax of Russian Cambridge Syntax Guides
Zwart The Syntax of Dutch Cambridge Syntax Guides
Kiss The Syntax of Hungarian Cambridge Syntax Guides
Aoun/Benmamoun/Choueiri The Syntax of Arabic Cambridge Syntax Guides
Thráinsson The Syntax of Icelandic Cambridge Syntax Guides
Fischer et al The Syntax of Early English Cambridge Syntax Guides
Rowlett The Syntax of French Cambridge Syntax Guides
Mchombo The Syntax of Chichewa Cambridge Syntax Guides
Borsley/Tallerman/Willis The Syntax of Welsh Cambridge Syntax Guides

Ruytenbeek Indirect Speech Acts Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Grano Attitude Reports Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Kagan The Semantics of Case Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Zufferey/Moeschler/Reboul Implicatures Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Garmendia Irony Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Rothstein Semantics for Counting and Measuring Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Morzycki Modification Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Jary/Kissine Imperatives Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Ritchie Metaphor Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
Goatly Meaning and Humour Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics

Authors/Editors Titolo Series
Ian Du Quesnay; Tony Woodman The Cambridge Companion to Catullus Cambridge Companions to Literature
P. J. Finglass; Adrian Kelly The Cambridge Companion to Sappho Cambridge Companions to Literature
Charles Martindale; Fiachra Mac Gorain The Cambridge Companion to Virgil Cambridge Companions to Literature
Zygmunt G. Baranski; Simon Gilson The Cambridge Companion to Dante's 'Commedia' Cambridge Companions to Literature
Matthew Garrett The Cambridge Companion to Narrative Theory Cambridge Companions to Literature
Luca Grillo; Christopher B. Krebs The Cambridge Companion to the Writings of Julius Caesar Cambridge Companions to Literature
Michael A. Flower The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon Cambridge Companions to Literature
Albert Russell Ascoli; Unn Falkeid The Cambridge Companion to Petrarch Cambridge Companions to Literature
Guyda Armstrong; Rhiannon Daniels; Stephen J. Milner The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio Cambridge Companions to Literature
Shadi Bartsch; Alessandro Schiesaro The Cambridge Companion to Seneca Cambridge Companions to Literature
Leslie Howsam The Cambridge Companion to the History of the Book Cambridge Companions to Literature
Martin Revermann The Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy Cambridge Companions to Literature
Thea S. Thorsen The Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy Cambridge Companions to Literature
Neil Fraistat; Julia Flanders The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship Cambridge Companions to Literature
Catherine Steel The Cambridge Companion to Cicero Cambridge Companions to Literature
Andrew Feldherr The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians Cambridge Companions to Literature
John M. Najemy The Cambridge Companion to Machiavelli Cambridge Companions to Literature
Felix Budelmann The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric Cambridge Companions to Literature
Stuart Gillespie; Philip Hardie The Cambridge Companion to Lucretius Cambridge Companions to Literature
Catherine Bates The Cambridge Companion to the Epic Cambridge Companions to Literature
A. J. Woodman The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus Cambridge Companions to Literature
Elizabeth Archibald; Ad Putter The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend Cambridge Companions to Literature
Erik Gunderson The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric Cambridge Companions to Literature
Roger D. Woodard The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology Cambridge Companions to Literature
Marianne  McDonald; Michael Walton The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Theatre Cambridge Companions to Literature
Tim Whitmarsh The Cambridge Companion to the Greek and Roman Novel Cambridge Companions to Literature
Robert S. C. Gordon The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi Cambridge Companions to Literature
David Herman The Cambridge Companion to Narrative Cambridge Companions to Literature
Rachel Jacoff The Cambridge Companion to Dante Cambridge Companions to Literature
Stephen Harrison The Cambridge Companion to Horace Cambridge Companions to Literature
Carolyn Dewald; John Marincola The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus Cambridge Companions to Literature
Rachel Jacoff The Cambridge Companion to Dante Cambridge Companions to Literature
P. E. Easterling The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy Cambridge Companions to Literature
Robert Fowler The Cambridge Companion to Homer Cambridge Companions to Literature
Roberta L. Krueger The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance Cambridge Companions to Literature
Philip Hardie The Cambridge Companion to Ovid Cambridge Companions to Literature
Kirk Freudenburg The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire Cambridge Companions to Literature
Peter Bondanella; Andrea Ciccarelli The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel Cambridge Companions to Literature
Charles Martindale The Cambridge Companion to Virgil

Cambridge Companions to Literature

Peter E. Pormann The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Michael  Wyatt The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance Cambridge Companions to Culture
Donald R. Morrison The Cambridge Companion to Socrates Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Rita Copeland; Peter T. Struck The Cambridge Companion to Allegory Cambridge Companions to Literature
Hugh Stevens The Cambridge Companion to Gay and Lesbian Writing Cambridge Companions to Literature
James Warren The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Loren J. Samons II The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Pericles Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World
R. J. Hankinson The Cambridge Companion to Galen Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
James Hankins The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Zygmunt G. Baranski; Rebecca J. West The Cambridge Companion to Modern Italian Culture Cambridge Companions to Culture
Peter Bondanella; Andrea Ciccarelli The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel Cambridge Companions to Literature
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