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Acquistati dalla Biblioteca Raimondi handbook e companion dell'editore Cambridge in formato elettronico
Pubblicato: 08 ottobre 2021 | Biblioteca
Acquistati a cura della Biblioteca Umanistica Raimondi, sono da oggi accessibili in formato elettronico i seguenti Handbooks e Companions dell'editore Cambridge.
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Autore |
titolo | Collana | |
Ayres-Bennett/Bellamy | The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Haugh/Kádár/Terkourafi | The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Nassaji/Kartchava | The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
De Fina/Georgakopoulou | The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Putnam/Page | The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Rings/Rasinger | The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Schreier/Hundt/Schneider | The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Schwieter/Benati | The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Wolff | The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Thompson et al | The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
De Houwer/Ortega | The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Geeslin | The Cambridge Handbook of Spanish Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Hasegawa | The Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Dancygier | The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Hickey | The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Ledgeway/Roberts | The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Aikhenvald/Dixon | The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Hippisley/Stump | The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Aloni/Dekker | The Cambridge Handbook of Formal Semantics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Lacy | The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Kytö/Pahta | The Cambridge Handbook of English Historical Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Cook/Wei | The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Multi-Competence | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Bavin/Naigles | The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language | 2nd Edition | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics |
Schwieter | The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingual Processing | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Granger/Gilquin/Meunier | The Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Biber/Reppen | The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Cummings | The Cambridge Handbook of Communication Disorders | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Stockwell/Whiteley | The Cambridge Handbook of Stylistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Enfield/Kockelman/Sidnell | The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
den Dikken | The Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Herschensohn/Young-Scholten | The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Boeckx/Grohmann | The Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Mesthrie | The Cambridge Handbook of Sociolinguistics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Bullock/Toribio | The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Code-switching | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Bavin | The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Allan/Jaszczolt | The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Spolsky | The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics | |
Austin/Sallabank | The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages | Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics |
Zagona | The Syntax of Spanish | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Haider | The Syntax of German | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Huang/Li/Li | The Syntax of Chinese | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Bailyn | The Syntax of Russian | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Zwart | The Syntax of Dutch | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Kiss | The Syntax of Hungarian | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Aoun/Benmamoun/Choueiri | The Syntax of Arabic | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Thráinsson | The Syntax of Icelandic | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Fischer et al | The Syntax of Early English | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Rowlett | The Syntax of French | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Mchombo | The Syntax of Chichewa | Cambridge Syntax Guides | |
Borsley/Tallerman/Willis | The Syntax of Welsh | Cambridge Syntax Guides |
Ruytenbeek | Indirect Speech Acts | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Grano | Attitude Reports | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Kagan | The Semantics of Case | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Zufferey/Moeschler/Reboul | Implicatures | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Garmendia | Irony | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Rothstein | Semantics for Counting and Measuring | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Morzycki | Modification | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Jary/Kissine | Imperatives | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Ritchie | Metaphor | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics | |
Goatly | Meaning and Humour | Key Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics |
Authors/Editors | Titolo | Series |
Ian Du Quesnay; Tony Woodman | The Cambridge Companion to Catullus | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
P. J. Finglass; Adrian Kelly | The Cambridge Companion to Sappho | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Charles Martindale; Fiachra Mac Gorain | The Cambridge Companion to Virgil | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Zygmunt G. Baranski; Simon Gilson | The Cambridge Companion to Dante's 'Commedia' | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Matthew Garrett | The Cambridge Companion to Narrative Theory | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Luca Grillo; Christopher B. Krebs | The Cambridge Companion to the Writings of Julius Caesar | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Michael A. Flower | The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Albert Russell Ascoli; Unn Falkeid | The Cambridge Companion to Petrarch | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Guyda Armstrong; Rhiannon Daniels; Stephen J. Milner | The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Shadi Bartsch; Alessandro Schiesaro | The Cambridge Companion to Seneca | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Leslie Howsam | The Cambridge Companion to the History of the Book | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Martin Revermann | The Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Thea S. Thorsen | The Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Neil Fraistat; Julia Flanders | The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Catherine Steel | The Cambridge Companion to Cicero | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Andrew Feldherr | The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
John M. Najemy | The Cambridge Companion to Machiavelli | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Felix Budelmann | The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Stuart Gillespie; Philip Hardie | The Cambridge Companion to Lucretius | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Catherine Bates | The Cambridge Companion to the Epic | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
A. J. Woodman | The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Elizabeth Archibald; Ad Putter | The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Erik Gunderson | The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rhetoric | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Roger D. Woodard | The Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Marianne McDonald; Michael Walton | The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Theatre | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Tim Whitmarsh | The Cambridge Companion to the Greek and Roman Novel | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Robert S. C. Gordon | The Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
David Herman | The Cambridge Companion to Narrative | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Rachel Jacoff | The Cambridge Companion to Dante | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Stephen Harrison | The Cambridge Companion to Horace | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Carolyn Dewald; John Marincola | The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Rachel Jacoff | The Cambridge Companion to Dante | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
P. E. Easterling | The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Robert Fowler | The Cambridge Companion to Homer | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Roberta L. Krueger | The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Philip Hardie | The Cambridge Companion to Ovid | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Kirk Freudenburg | The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Peter Bondanella; Andrea Ciccarelli | The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Charles Martindale | The Cambridge Companion to Virgil |
Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Peter E. Pormann | The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates | Cambridge Companions to Philosophy |
Michael Wyatt | The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance | Cambridge Companions to Culture |
Donald R. Morrison | The Cambridge Companion to Socrates | Cambridge Companions to Philosophy |
Rita Copeland; Peter T. Struck | The Cambridge Companion to Allegory | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
Hugh Stevens | The Cambridge Companion to Gay and Lesbian Writing | Cambridge Companions to Literature |
James Warren | The Cambridge Companion to Epicureanism | Cambridge Companions to Philosophy |
Loren J. Samons II | The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Pericles | Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World |
R. J. Hankinson | The Cambridge Companion to Galen | Cambridge Companions to Philosophy |
James Hankins | The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy | Cambridge Companions to Philosophy |
Zygmunt G. Baranski; Rebecca J. West | The Cambridge Companion to Modern Italian Culture | Cambridge Companions to Culture |
Peter Bondanella; Andrea Ciccarelli | The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel | Cambridge Companions to Literature |