Digital humanities advanced research center

The Center, originated from the activities of 'Dipartimento di Eccellenza MIUR' (L. 232 del 1/12/2016), connects students, researchers, IT staff, and professors from FICLIT and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) and affiliated structures, within the University of Bologna. The Centre supports scholars and institutions in designing, developing, and maintaining DH research projects. The aim is to be a hub for researchers and agencies currently working in the field of DH, and to promote innovative projects in the Humanities. /DH.arc is a platform wherein to foster collaborations, exchange ideas, discuss approaches and experiences, and train for DH skills.

Responsabile Scientifico: Francesca Tomasi e Aldo Gangemi

Componenti: Marilena Daquino, Angelo Di Iorio, Aldo Gangemi, Ivan Heibi, Paola Italia, Silvio Peroni, Fabio Tamburini, Francesca Tomasi, Tomaso Vitale, Fabio Vitali.